Why, Who, Where, What and How About Nutrapoorna

Back To School – Ready For New Lunch Box Recipes!
July 14, 2018
Nutrapoorna Daily Fresh Wheat Atta - Whole Wheat Atta
Nutrapoorna Daily Fresh Atta
July 30, 2018

It is always interesting to know the existence. Why and how the brand was started? What was the inspiration or idea behind starting it? So, we thought of giving a brief introduction of Who we are? Where did we start from? And Why did we start our brand?

As you must have seen on our website and some of our blogs, where we have mentioned that Nutrapoorna is a sister concern of Janta Stores; A renowned grocery store located in the western suburb of Mumbai since 40+ years. With these many years of retail experience, and the stories that we came across from our customers, one of the major concern was of atta. From storing wheat, for the consistently good quality over the year, grinding it at home or passing it to small mills or chakki walas, sieving it and storing it again. It’s a whole lot of process!! To make it easier and simpler, we came up with this idea of giving the flour or the atta ready to our customers, where they just had to take it home and empty in the container. We also tried and successfully maintained the same quality over the whole year. We established the whole process managed by our well qualified team, starting with procuring the best quality M.P. Wheat, cleaning them, grinding it through traditional stone grinding methods, sieving it and finally the hygienically packing it.

The whole process was set and we started the production. An initial lot was good, the customers were happy. Wow! That was easy for us. But, the challenge was yet to come. With the feedbacks that we took, we came to know that there were different requirements of the same wheat flour depending on the culture our customers belonged to. Some wanted fine flour, some wanted coarser, some wanted to mix and so on! By taking the samples from various houses, we set our research and development team and started applying techniques of getting the perfect what atta as per our major client set! With months of work and tried and tested methods we started eight types of wheat atta depending on the feedbacks and demands. Nutrapoorna Daily Fresh Atta, Nutrapoorna Premium Gold Atta, Nutrapoorna Phulka Roti Wheat Atta, Nutrapoorna Chapati Wheat Atta, Nutrapoorna Punjabi Wheat Atta, Nutrapoorna M.P. Lokwan Wheat Atta, Nutrapoorna Healthy option Wheat Attas which consists of Wheat +Soybean atta and Multigrain atta. These are available in 1kg and 5kgs pack. These also made it easier for the majority of ladies around as it was exactly how they wanted their atta to be! It saved a lot of time and hard work which they had to go through to get the perfect rotis! All they have to do now is to take the Nutrapoorna Atta home and cook the delicious rotis. Trust us on that, the smile, relief and the satisfaction we see on their faces when they share their experience with us, actually made us who we are!

Try the variety of attas from our rack and do share your feedback! We always welcome new ideas and thoughts that would make us serve you better!

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