Magic Of Getting Tiffin Box Empty

Are Your Kitchen Ingredients Monsoon Ready?
June 22, 2018
Baarish and Bhajiya
June 29, 2018

It is so tiresome and not so likable to open the tiffins at the end of the day seeing that it is still stuffed with either full or half or one fourth, of what was packed in it. Starting from the efforts in making it, up to the rotting smell, just buzzes the mood off! You must have perhaps used all kinds of recipe books, must have seen numerous videos over the internet for delicious recipes and surely must have tried amazing seasonings to make the food delicious. But still, there would be days when the tiffin box won’t come empty. What would you do in such cases?

We all agree to the fact that not everyone would cook as perfect and as deliciously as the chefs in the hotels and restaurants. Perhaps, the amount of oil, ghee, butter, and cheese that is used to make food tasty there can’t be used at home for an everyday meal. But one thing which can definitely help to make food tasty and healthy is the use of quality ingredients. The perfect quality ingredients would definitely make the food taste perfectly yum. Usually, in Indian homes, the tiffin consists of Roti or Parathe with sabzi. So majorly the wheat flour or the wheat atta becomes the key ingredient in all our recipes. By making various vegetables with different masalas or seasonings and in different gravies, you could get a change in taste. But making perfect roti or paranthe, each and every day is the main key to getting even vegetables or the subzi or dal empty from tiffins.

Some days the tiffin would be surprised with new experiments, a new variety, and a new recipe. But yet again, the daily item would knock the lid of the tiffin, and enter into the box. And that is the time when we should choose flours that would result in tasty delicacies. We all know that it’s not possible to make new variety every day. And we also know that the contemporary food cant fulfills the satiety value which we get when we eat our regular food items as we have been habituated to such style of eating since ever. And that’s why we want you to look and explore the options at grain flours. Choose the best what suits your family and everyone’s tummy the best!

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