B2B with Nutrapoorna Atta

Do You Know The Different Types Of Attas Available In The Market?
June 5, 2018
Choose Nutrapoorna
June 12, 2018

We all want to work in profit. So, we have come up with a great idea of working together. If you are an entity into grocery and you support Make In India, we are the perfect partners. We shall now let you know the benefits of working with us in different cases and how would it help both of us!

Suppose you are into a small entity into grocery and you deliver attas to your customers. Rewind the whole process you go through as a business owner, where & how do you suffer from loss and how much time consuming is it. You would call for wheat from a whole seller or APMC market. Then, you would ask the labourer to clean it and take it to the grinding processor. Once the grinding process is done then the labourers would get into sieving and packaging of atta. Now, let us take a look at the loopholes and the losses one would make in this process. While the wheat is received, 2% over every 500 kgs are considered to be lost during transportation and handling. Cleaning wheat , taking it for grinding, sieving the atta and packing the atta –doing all this The laborer would waste a lot of time as well as storage space at your entity. It might also happen that the grinded atta would not be of the desired fineness which will result in varying quality and displeased customers.Moreover, Once the grinding is done of whole wheat, you will not be measuring the quantity of how much did you received of what you had sent. It may not be always possible that the same quality wheat atta is received as what whole wheat you had sent along with the constant fine grinding. This would also be 2-3% less then what you had sent. In the sieving process, again 1% would be refined to maintain the quality. In this whole process, a minimum of 5-6% would be sacrificed to give you customer perfect atta along with the time and little extra money!

In the solution to this, we, at Nutrapoorna, have the wheat attas available in various packings of 1Kg, 5Kgs, and 30Kgs which would be delivered at your doorstep. Without any hassles and the wholesome process from finding the best quality of wheat up to getting the best quality atta ready to deliver we take all the pain and tension at our end and help you with the direct finished product. Same quality throughout the year is our promise and the hazard-less process is what we believe in.

Come, join us for the most mutual benefit where we are happy to serve you and you would be more than satisfied with the perks! Connect with us via various mediums or just call us for an inquiry and let’s start working together!

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